Administrative Team
Business Development Associate
​Rizqan Fadhillah (Indonesia) has a Bachelor Degree in Management. His professional experience has focused on programme and project management in the private sector and non-government organizations (NGO). He has implemented several projects in urban and rural areas in Indonesia, and specializes in project coordination, monitoring and reporting using the results-based management (RBM) approach.
Janine Grant Consulting has partnered with Kreatologi, an Indonesian-based company specializing in communications and digital production. Kreatologi provide communication material production, digital branding, marketing, develops digital promotional concepts, and implements other communication activities on behalf of JGC.
Web Development Specialist
Mohammad Khasawneh (Romania) has a Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering. He has more than ten years of experience in web development and graphic design. He developed and maintained many websites and e-commerce platforms for organizations and companies around the world like Janine Grant Consulting.